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Articles & interviews





“This is a gorgeous book by a poet who is passionately alive in the world.” — Natasha Trethewey on Carpathia

“Cecilia Woloch’s poetic voice has grown more lyrically confident with each new book. Now with Carpathia, she attempts to lyricize each aspect of her narrated life and succeeds with fine breathtaking abandon. The book is zany with music — from Le Jazz Hot to bluegrass to gypsy violins. These are poems full of wind, light and whistle-stops… Carpathia is that place where we begin to know our own unfamiliarity with what is most present — and long to love, like these poems, our own stories of passion and journeys home.” — Carol Muske-Dukes, Poet Laureate of California, The Huffington Post

"Cecilia Woloch's third book, Late, is not only full of tender, sensual poems, but it is also imbued with realistic inspiration in facing deep losses...This is a book of mature modern-day love poems, love of family and place, friends and lovers, with a knowing eye on the price of such loving, paying the price, and moving on, loving again...Woloch's lyrical voice resonates naturally through a range of poetic forms...[Woloch] knows when to open the curtains, when to celebrate life through her generously humane poetry." - Jeffrey Greene

"Every luscious word in Woloch's Sur la Route counts. The 224 vignettes, described as "vivid, poetic episodes"..."sexy, intriguing, and passionate"....are so much more than that. It's about discovering Paris and all it has to offer, from the people who inhabit it to the inner beauty of the city that is like no other to what Woloch was experiencing from the inside. The prose will open your own heart as she has opened hers and as she opened mine." - Adrian Leeds

“One of the joys of Cecilia Woloch’s poetry is that it so beautifully and skillfully intermingles humour with emotional intensity, sensuality, and existential profoundness…” — The Cosmopolitan Review

“To write movingly about love in an era infused with hate requires a special gift: nostalgia hard-edged with realism. She has that gift.” — Maxine Kumin